Decisions based on the pharmacy market
PharmaZOOM lets you keep the track of the market and evaluate not only your own market share but also follow your competitors. Moreover it helps you quickly adjust a range of solutions in a dynamic pharmaceutical market.
Based on the data structured by drugs and territories, there is a possibility to analyze the sales by a variety of measures describing the medicine and the area to monitor the sales of the drug you are interested in comparing it to total medicines sales, to assess the drug's market share and analyze sales changes over time and by selected territorial segment.
Using PharmaZOOM one can easily manage the available data according to ones needs. Information can be presented in the reports created based on specific needs or using standard PharmaZOOM reports.

Working together with partners we provide PharmaZOOM software services covering the pharmaceutical markets in, all Baltic countries, Belarus and currently working on expanding our business to Serbia.
Additionally we offer another PharmaZOOM software module called RepZOOM for easy representatives’ performance analysis. It is designed to monitor the sales of particular products’ groups in specific areas that are assigned to your representatives. At the same time, this module makes it easy to evaluate the market share of your company products in different areas and monitor the sales dynamics. Using RepZOOM you can compare your product sales information to the sales of your competitors.
Frequent data updates allows you to determine the specific reasons causing the changes in the data, evaluate the effectiveness of your promotions, and more effectively plan your future actions and strategies. In Lithuanian market PharmaZOOM data is updated every week, in Belarus and Latvia it is updated monthly, and quarterly in Estonia.

Exclusive PharmaZOOM features:
Accurate and up to date pharmaceutical sales market information
Evaluation of market shares and trends
Access data whenever you need it - On line, 7 days a week
Fine territorial clustering of pharmacies
Targets comparison vs achieved sales
Sales force effectiveness measurement
Tripled security authorization
Effective and easy data update
Training and guidance
User friendly interface