PharmaZOOM Web
Should you happen to be on the road and are in need to access the data, log on to the program website.
Having results available in real time and possibility to instantly assess that data are the key factors determining the success in making the decisions. Simplified PharmaZOOM WEB version allows you to monitor the dynamics of the data outside the office.
Login to PharmaZOOM on your phone or tablet.
Analyze and promptly respond to the existing situation.
Manage your business processes while being out of office.

Front page reports
Front page reports are your generated reports and are automatically updated after the new data is uploaded.

Pivot reports
Web version pivot reports have the same functional features as PharmaZOOM Desktop Pivot reports. From now on, you can also generate the reports online.

Saved reports
You can create report templates and save them for the future use. There is no need to generate same reports each time; you can simply use the saved ones.

Overview Reports
Overview reports are an additional bonus for PharmaZOOM users. In these reports you can get the information about the global market situation based on the brand-name / generic medicine analysis that allows you to monitor the dynamics of the product groups (prescription drugs, reimbursed medicines, over-the-counter drugs, food supplements) monthly and see the list of the top drug manufacturing corporations.